Friday 28 March 2014

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Fourth Sunday of Lent

30th March  2014

Parish Mass Book— page 164

         Mass Times and Intentions
                                      6.30 pm  Vigil  Elizabeth Charlton & Coates family
Sunday  30 March      10.00 am   People of Parish                                                                                                                                                                              
Monday                       10.00 am  Eucharistic Service
Tuesday                      10.00 am  Sally Landrie
Wednesday                         10.00 am  Philip Strasenburgh
                                      2.15 pm  Requiem  -  John Lancaster
Thursday                     10.00am   Dec mem Gregory family
Friday                          10.00 am  Stations of the Cross
                                      7.00pm  Sick Person
                                      6.30 pm  Vigil  People of Parish
Sunday  6 April           10.00 am   Mary & George Quskley
                                      4.00 pm  Lenten Service of  Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday  6.00 pm  -  7.00 pm
Saturday 5.45 pm - 6.15 pm 
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday 9.30  - 10.00 am
Friday 6.00  -  7.00 pm
Please pray for:
· all who are sick,
· John Lancaster, Fr Alban Walker, and all who have died recently,
· Elizabeth Charlton, and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. 
Pastoral Visit by Bishop Seamus  
First of all I would like to thank everyone who contributed to make the pastoral visit of Bishop Seamus a successful event for the parish.  I am especially grateful to all those who contributed to the refreshments after Mass on Sunday.  I met with the Bishop on Saturday evening and from the discussions it became clear that there are no plans for any immediate changes and re-structuring in the deanery that will affect this parish.  The Bishop does think that at some point there will be changes and there is no certainty as to how this will affect the parish but the Bishop was very pleased to hear that as a parish community we are seeking to share responsibility for the administration and the pastoral care of the parish. 
So, I sense that as there are not going to be any immediate changes we carry on ensuring that the parish takes responsibility for it’s life and mission. I had a strong sense last weekend of the parish pulling  together as a strong unit and I am also very grateful for the personal support I received from you. Let us give thanks to God for the blessings of last weekend. 


Lent   is an opportunity for us to take stock of our relationship  with God and to be aware of where in our lives we need to grow in grace. Our faith is based on the belief that God has, is and will always offer the life of grace to us in Christ Jesus. How can you and I be aware of and respond to this constant and generous offer?
During Lent the following activities will be taking place:
· Friday morning 10.00 am Stations of the Cross
· On Friday evening at 7.00 pm there will be Mass.  This will be preceded by:
· Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6.00 to 7.00 pm  ( I will also be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation)
· Lenten Lunches and Prayer with Churches Together 12 Noon to 1.15 pm at the Salvation Army 
· Service of Reconciliation, Sunday 6th April at 4.00 pm
Journey of Faith 
Please continue to pray for our candidates.  I have given you the references of readings that have been used traditionally to help candidates to prepare for baptism during Lent.:  John 4, 5-42; John 9, 1-41; and John 1, 11-45.  Praying with these significant encounters  people had with Jesus can help in our own Lenten journey.
Gift Aid and Planned Giving 
There are still a few boxes for the new tax year commencing 6th April, awaiting collection in the Narthex.   If you do not have a box of envelopes, or a standing order with the parish, and would like to contribute to the parish in this manner, you are very welcome to do so.  Please give your contact details ie name and contact telephone number, to myself,  the parish secretary Pat Bateman, or one of the table men in the Narthex.
Young People in the Parish
At a meeting of young people in the parish this week the following was decided:  That the group would lead a liturgy to celebrate Pentecost on Sunday 8th June.. There will be a meeting  after Mass this Sunday to  explore ideas for this. All are welcome
The group will attend ‘The Source’ at St Mary’s Newcastle Cathedral on Wednesday May7th at 7.00pm.
The group is will to take responsibility for reading the Passion Narrative on Good Friday

World Youth Day  I have received two donations recently, one was for £200 from Carol and George Nelson, the sister and brother in law of Alison Johnston  Because the parish was so supportive to Alison and family after the tragic death of Malcolm they wanted to make a gesture of gratitude to the parish and after consulting Alison and parishioners decided to give it to the fund for World Youth Day.  I have also received an anonymous donation of £600 and I have decided to put this generous donation also to the World Youth Day Fund.  I would like to express publicly my sincere thanks to both sets of generous donors.


Lenten Penitential Service at St Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday 5th April at 12 noon presided by Bishop Cunningham, followed by individual confession and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Benediction at 5.00 pm.
Adoration from 2.00 pm, Divine Mercy Chaplet 2.45 pm followed by Veneration of Divine Mercy Icon  on Sunday 27th April at St James Church, Hebburn with Fr Jeff Dodds.  All are welcome.
Called to the Supper of the Lamb
A day of reflection for extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, 17th May, 10.30 am to 3.30 pm at St Joseph’s Parish Centre, Gateshead. 
Further details of these events on posters in Narthex.


Friday 21 March 2014

Third Sunday of Lent

Third Sunday of Lent

23rd March  2014

Parish Mass Book— page 158

                                Mass Times and Intentions

                                     6.30 pm  Vigil  People of Parish
Sunday  23 March     10.00 am  Sean & Margaret Gorham                                                                                                                                                             
Monday                       10.00 am  Eucharistic Service
Tuesday                      10.00 am  Requiem  -  Selina Shippen
Wednesday                        10.00 am  Daniel Sykes
Thursday                    10.00 am  John McBride
Friday                         10.00 am  Stations of the Cross
                                     7.00pm  Fr Jim Lennon
                                    6.30 pm  Vigil  Elizabeth Charlton & Coates family
Sunday  30 March    10.00 am   People of Parish
Sacrament of Reconciliation 
Friday  6.00 pm  -  7.00 pm
Saturday 5.45 pm - 6.15 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday 9.30  - 10.00 am
Friday 6.00  -  7.00 pm
Please pray for:
· all who are sick,
· Selina Shippen and  all who have died recently,
· Sean Purvis, Elizabeth Charlton, and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. 
SVP  Results of the National Raffle are posted in the Narthex.  Thank you to everyone who participated.
Pastoral Visit by Bishop Seamus  
This weekend we as a parish community offer a warm welcome to Bishop Seamus.  We thank him for coming to visit us and we hope he will enjoy his visit. As a parish can we continue to pray for the Bishop as he leads our diocese.  The social committee have provided light refreshments for after 10.00 am Mass to which everyone is welcome.  The Bishop is meeting individual priests of the deanery on 8/9th April, with my meeting on 9th April.

Lent   is an opportunity for us to take stock of our relationship  with God and to be aware of where in our lives we need to grow in grace. Our faith is based on the belief that God has, is and will always offer the life of grace to us in Christ Jesus. How can you and I be aware of and respond to this constant and generous offer?
During Lent the following activities will be taking place:
· Friday morning 10.00 am Stations of the Cross
· On Friday evening at 7.00 pm there will be Mass.  This will be preceded by:
· Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6.00 to 7.00 pm  ( I will also be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation)
· Lenten Lunches and Prayer with Churches Together
         12.Noon to 1.15 pm at the Salvation Army 
· Service of Reconciliation, Sunday 6th April at 4.00 pm
Journey of Faith 
Please continue to pray for our candidates as they prepare to be received into the church at Easter.  Over the next three Sundays, including this week, we have three important stories from St John’s Gospel;  the woman at the well; the man born blind; and the raising of Lazarus. These are scriptural tests that were given to candidates to help them reflect on the significance of meeting Christ in baptism.  One suitable way in which we can pray for our candidates is by reflecting ourselves on these important encounters with Christ in the gospel.  The references are:  John 4, 5-42; John 9, 1-41; and John 1, 11-45.  Praying with these significant encounters  people had with Jesus can help in our own Lenten journey.
Baptismal Catechesis in the Parish 
As mentioned in previous weeks the way we prepare and celebrate the sacrament of baptism in the parish is going to be radically different.  Please see information sheet about this in the Narthex.  Please note that the first preparatory session will be on Thursday at 6.45 pm.  So if anyone wishes to have their child baptised in the spring please contact me by Thursday if you have not done so already.  I would like to thank Christine Priest and Alison Johnston for their willingness to be involved in this important work and to John O’Neill who has helped in their training.
YMT Mission to St Benet Biscop’s High School 

The meeting last Thursday with Deanery representatives to explore how parishes can support the Youth Lead Mission in December was fruitful. The young people have written a wonderful prayer which will made in to a prayer card that will be made available to all parishioners and secondary aged pupils in schools in the deanery. The prayer card will be launched at the Masses on the  week-end after Easter, April 26th-27th, with a short presentation from a young parishioner and an adult.

The meeting produced a number of possibilities for activities for young people as part of the preparation for the Mission. There will be a meeting  with the young people after St Benet’s finishes this Tuesday, March 25th at 2.30pm in the Hall. Any pupil from St Benet’s is welcome to attend


Gift Aid and Planned Giving   
There are still a few boxes in the Narthex awaiting collection for gift aid and planned giving for the new tax year starting on 6th April.  If you have not taken your box please do so.  If you have not got a box but would like to contribute to the parish  please give your contact details ie name and contact telephone number, to myself,  the parish secretary Pat Bateman, or one of the table men in the Narthex.
CAFOD Family Fast Day 
The collection is still open if you have not had an opportunity to give a donation.  The safes at the back of church are available for any donation you may wish to make to CAFOD.
Papal World Youth Day 
My thanks to all who came to the meeting on Sunday.  There was a number of ideas for fund raising expressed with the social committee wanting to give their full support to this venture.  The fund raising will be launched on the weekend on 14/15th June when there will be a retiring collection for Papal World Youth Day.
Passion Play 
The BBC  are putting on a Passion play at Betts Park, South Shields  on Good Friday 18th April starting at 11.00 am .  To apply for tickets go to and click on the link. It's being done as a random draw and you can apply for up to six tickets.
