Saturday 30 March 2013

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday
31st March 2013

Parish Mass Book  Vigil page  223

  Morning page 258   
                                    Mass Times and Intentions
                                            8.00 pm  Vigil First Mass of Easter
Easter Sunday 31 March         10.00 am  Sean Purvis
Monday                                     10.00 am  Eucharistic Service
Tuesday                                    10.00 am  Private Intention
Wednesday                              10.00 am  Steve Gorham
Thursday                                  10.00  am  Eva Kinnaird
Friday                                       10.00 am  George & Ellen Arkle
                                                   6.30 pm  Vigil People of Parish
Sunday 7 April                         10.00 am   Sally Landrie
Monday                                     10.00 am   Eucharistic Service
Tuesday                                    10.00 am   Eucharistic Service
Wednesday                               10.00 am   Eucharistic Service 
Thursday                                   10.00  am  Eucharistic Service 
Friday                                        10.00 am  Eucharistic Service
                                                    6.30 pm  Vigil People of Parish
Sunday 14 April                        10.00 am   Sally Landrie
Sacrament of Reconciliation 
Saturday 5.45 pm - 6.15 pm
and at any time upon request
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday 9.30  - 10.00 am
 Please pray for
· all who are sick,
· all who have died recently,
· Norah Cavanagh and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. 
Easter, He is Risen, alleluia, alleluia
As I write this we are experiencing Arctic like conditions which does seem very strange for Holy Week–  this is the coldest March for fifty years! Despite the continued grasp of winter I would like to wish you and all your family the joy and wonder of Easter.  May the Spirit of the Risen Lord give us hope and peace for the future.
I am conscious that for Holy Week to gone well many parishioners  have contributed their time, efforts and skills My sincere thanks to all those who have helped  the parish to prayerfully share in these mysteries of our salvation.  I am very grateful.
While it may be physically very cold the election of Pope Francis does seem to have brought a warmth of the spirit into the Church.  The symbol of the Pope washing the feet of prisoners I found very powerful and moving. His election does seem to have marked a new beginning and reinforced a sense of hope that we are called to share. He does seem to have Christ like qualities of a sense of freedom to do what is right combined with a strong sense of compassion towards the outcast, the vulnerable, and the poor. If we seek to imitate these qualities then the spirit of the Risen Lord will not be far away from us. Enjoy your Easter holidays and celebrations and let’s hope spring comes soon! 
CAFOD Syrian Refugees Appeal   
CAFOD have opened an emergency appeal for the situation in Syria which is getting worse by the day. The number of refugees who are escaping the country and in need of help are increasing.  There will be a retiring collection that will be left open for the next three weeks.

Parish Life and Activities  
You will see on the notice board in the back of church and in the narthex a poster display which shows the full extent and diversity of the range of ministries that takes place within the parish.  When you have time I would like you to have a look at the display so that you can appreciate what is taking part in the parish and see if there is anything you also could contribute. My thanks to Alison Johnston on her work on this.
Diamond Wedding Celebrations  
Warm congratulations and best wishes to George and Edie Wilson as they celebrate 60 years of marriage this weekend.  We hope they have a wonderful celebration made more special with their diamond jubilee coinciding with the celebration of Easter.
Refugee/Asylum Seekers  
There will be a collection today for tins of food (not pork) for refugee and asylum seekers.  Please leave in Narthex. Next collection first Sunday of the month
Planned Giving boxes  
If you haven’t already done so please collect your box from the Narthex.
Parish Quiz and Social 
The parish social committee are organising a quiz and social evening on Wednesday 10th April, 7.30 pm. Please see posters in the narthex for more details. There will be a shared supper and please bring your own drinks since they will not be available for sale during the evening. Due to the late notice of the event you can leave your details with one of the ticket sellers of how many tickets you would like and either pay for them on Sun 7th April or on the night. Alternatively contact Lawrie on 07764348367.
St Benet Biscop’s High School 
As some of you may know St Benet’s High School had an OFSTED inspection last week.  The feedback has been very positive and the headteacher Mr Todd is very pleased with what OFSTED have to say about the school.  The school has faced many changes in recent years, what with change in leadership and the admittance of Years 7 and 8 pupils into the school.  In the light of these changes the school has done very well to maintain their high standards.  My congratulations and respect to Mr Todd and all staff  and governors at the school.
Restructuring of Deanery
It would be important to have an open meeting of the parish to  explore what the restructuring of the deanery will mean for St Bede’s This will be on Sunday 9th June after 10.00 am Mass.