Thursday 25 June 2015

Ss Peter and Paul

Feast of Ss Peter and Paul

29th June 2015

Parish Mass Book  -  page 172

                                  Mass Times and Intentions

                                       6.30 pm   Vigil  Sylvia Southcott

Sunday  28 June                 10.00 am   People of Parish


Monday                        10.00 am   Eucharistic Service

Tuesday                       10.00 am   John & Elizabeth Hogg

Wednesday                  10.00 am   James Chadwick

Thursday                      10.00 am   Fr Jack Taggart   

Friday                           10.00 am   Sick Person

                                       6.30 pm   Vigil  In Thanksgiving

Sunday  5 July                    10.00 am   People of Parish

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday 9.20 - 9.50 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 5.30 pm
Please pray for:
· Fr Michael Corbett and all who are sick,
· all who have died recently,
· all whose anniversaries occur at this time. 
Ss Peter and Paul
Today we celebrate the two great pillars of the early Church. With St Peter we celebrate the importance of our identity as belonging to the church, and being part of the community of disciples of which he was the first leader. 
With St Paul we celebrate that we are all part of God’s mission to witness to Christ in the world.  May this feast day deepen our sense of belonging to the church and inspire our sense of mission beyond it.
A special collection today for Ss Peter and Paul.  If you wish to gift aid your offering please use the green envelope from your box.

Changes in the Parish
In talking to people and having had a meeting of the parish council on Monday I sense that people are saddened, surprised and uncertain in the light of the changes in the parish that have been announced recently.  The parish is very much in my thoughts and prayers.  I appreciate that the next few weeks and months will be a challenge and a new beginning for this community.  I think it is important that people remember what has been achieved in recent years and acknowledge the many gifts and strengths of this parish.  In the remainder of my time here I wish to encourage a strong sense of self-belief in you as a community and also encourage you to be willing to show initiative in the various areas of parish life and to fully cooperate with other members of the parish community.
At the meeting of the parish council I reminded them of the key pastoral practices that have been the blueprint of my time here and how they are very similar to the areas that we’ve been asked to reflect on in the moving together in hope process.  I’ve asked the parish council to use these two frameworks for the parish ministry as a foundation for moving forward.
Moving Forward Together in Hope
I appreciate that some have questioned the value and purpose of still engaging in this process in the light of the recent changes.  I would like to remind you all that the major purpose of this process is to explore how our communities can flourish as disciples of Christ.  That question seems more pertinent and relevant now that this parish will have to share a priest.  Also recent changes should not be seen as pre-judging new structures that are deemed to be necessary for the Northumberland deanery.  Therefore, we carry on with the process as previously stated.  I would like to thank Tony and Katie Hart for their willingness and commitment to proceed with this process.  I have also asked Moira Quinn to offer her assistance to this process.
At the parish council meeting last Monday it was decided that between the council they would seek to complete as much of the first part of the questionnaire as possible. The council will meet on Monday 13th July to collate their answers.  There will be a form available for us to establish the age profile of the parish.  Please fill in this form as soon as possible.
Your new Parish Priest
We continue to pray for Fr Peter Stott our new parish priest as he prepares to take up his new appointment.  On 29th June he celebrates his Silver Jubilee, so we especially remember him at this time.  I have sent the card many of you have signed on behalf of the whole parish.  Fr Peter will come to us with his twenty five years experience as a priest in a parish (twice as much as the present incumbent!)  and also with a strong set of administrative and oversight skills having been Diocesan Chancellor co-ordinating the office at Bishop’s House and is still the organiser of the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Please pray for Euan John Anderson, Ellie Paige Turnbull who were baptised on Saturday  and Theo William Davison, Harry James Otley Wilkins and Lily Eleanor Morton who will be baptised today.  We also pray for their parents and families.
Refugee/Asylum Seekers
There is a collection next weekend for tins of food (not pork) for refugee and asylum seekers.  Please leave in Narthex. 
Christ in the World
The meeting will be on Friday 10th July at 7.00 pm. We will carry on our discussion concerning the ’making a noise for Bedlington’ campaign. I will also give a brief overview of the Pope’s encyclical ‘Laudato Sii -  Be Praised’.  There are copies of the summary I have written in the Narthex.
World Youth Day
Please contact me as soon as possible if you are thinking take in this pilgrimage in July 2016

School Mass On July 12 St Bede's School will lead us in our Sunday Mass


Thursday 18 June 2015

Twelfth Sunday of the Year

Twelfth of the Year

14th June 2015


Parish Mass Book  -  page 98 

 Preface   -   5

Eucharistic Prayer III


                             Mass Times and Intentions

                                     6.30 pm   People of Parish

Sunday 14 June               10.00 am   Fr Lawrence Jones


Monday                      10.00 am   Eucharistic Service

Tuesday                     10.00 am   Jim Craik

Wednesday                10.00 am   Edie Wilson

Thursday                    10.00 am   James & Alice Devlin   

Friday                         10.00 am   Peter Maley  

                                    6.30 pm   Vigil  Sylvia Southcott

Sunday  21 June              10.00 am   People of Parish

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday 9.20 - 9.50 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 5.30 pm
Please pray for:
· all who are sick,
· Fr Jack Taggart and all who have died recently,
· James Devlin, Jim Craik and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. 
Changes in the Parish
I just want to state in the bulletin what I formally announced at the Masses last weekend.  That is, Bishop Seamus has appointed Father Peter Stott as Parish Priest of both St Robert’s in Morpeth and St Bede’s in Bedlington. I have been appointed as a co-pastor for the North Tyneside cluster of parishes with responsibility for the St Joseph’s and St Cuthbert’s parishes in North Shields.  These moves will take place during August.  I appreciate that the timing of this move is a surprise and that these changes will take time to come to terms with.  I appreciate that for this parish to share a priest with another parish marks a new stage in the life of this community.  In the time I have remaining here I want the parish to be aware of its strengths and gifts that will enable it to face this new challenge.  I hope the parish will work together and have the confidence to be creative in taking initiatives so that this parish can flourish.  You are very much in my thoughts and prayers at this time of transition. 
Your new Parish Priest
Father Peter Stott will be celebrating his Silver Jubilee at the end of this month and I will send a card to him on your behalf with our prayers and best wishes.  Father Peter has experience in looking after two parishes as well as for most of that time working in Bishop’s House as the Diocesan Chancellor.  He is also the organiser for the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.  So, you can see that Father Peter brings organisational and administrative skills as well as an ability to work hard which will be a very  valuable set of gifts for his new appointment.  I am also aware that people speak very warmly about him as a caring and devoted priest.  We pray for him as he prepares to celebrate his silver jubilee and take up his new role.

Parish Council Meeting on Monday 22nd June.  As you will imagine there will be plenty to talk about at this meeting on Monday.  We will discuss the imminent changes and the moving together in hope process.
Moving Forward Together in Hope  -  (MFTH)
Although it is very important at this time of change that we focus on this process the timetable for the process is on the notice board.  Please cooperate with our parish contacts, Tony and Katie Hart.  I sense that they will now have more responsibility in the light of the changes in co-ordinating this process. Please note from the notice board that we have the commissioning Mass for our prayer anchors on 10th July at 1.00 pm, and our young people will meet after Mass on 12th July.  Please pray that our community will be a thriving community of faith and discipleship.
There are baptisms next weekend.  Please pray for Euan John Anderson, Ellie Paige Turnbull who will be baptised on 27th June and Theo William Davison, Harry James Otley Wilkins and Lily Eleanor Morton who will be baptised on 28th June.  We also pray for their parents and families.
Special Collection
Next week there will be a special collection for Ss Peter and Paul.   If you wish to gift aid your offering please use the green envelope from your box.
Christ in the World
We had a very fruitful discussion on the ‘making a noise for Bedlington’campaign.  We have decided to continue the discussion at our next meeting which will be on Friday 24th July at 7.00 pm.
Feast  Day of St John the Baptist
This feast day is a great solemnity although not a Holyday of Obligation.  Nonetheless, I think it is important that we remember and celebrate this courageous prophet and the one who  “prepared the way for the Lord”.  He is a model of faith and discipleship for us all.
World Youth Day
Despite recent changes in the parish I still hope that some of our young people will be able to go to World Youth Day in 2016. In making arrangements for this event next year it will be helpful to me to know which young people want to take part.  So far three young people have expressed a desire to go.  If any more young people wish to take part please let me know as soon as possible.  Although the diocese has informed me that its pilgrimage is only for those who are 18 or older, I am exploring other ways for those under 18 year old who could still take part in this event.

New Papal Encyclical
Pope Francis has published ‘Laudato Sii -  Be Praised’.  This seeks to add to the body of Catholic Social Teaching by exploring our relationship with the environment and God’s creation.  Pope Francis will argue that action on climate change is a moral issue.  The Encyclical will be available online on the Vatican web site:

There is no charge for this day. Please bring a packed lunch.

Booking is essential. If you would like to attend, please contact us or on 0191 243 3313 Further information